Horatio Spafford suffered three major traumas. His only son died of scarlet fever at age four. In the great Chicago Fire of 1871, the then-prominent businessman was destroyed financially. Soon...
Each person and each person's job is important—in the high calling of our daily work.
Have you changed jobs or even your profession . . . more than once? You’re not alone.
Charles Lamb once wrote a cynical little poem about work. Listen closely:Who first invented work and bound the free And holy-day rejoicing Spirit down? . . . Sabbath-less Satan. But those words are...
When Jesus taught in his hometown, people said, "What's this wisdom that’s been given to him? Isn't this the carpenter?"
Admiral Richard Byrd’s Antarctic polar expedition of 1939 and ‘40 had reached Sulzberger Bay—farther than any previous South Pole venture—when its small wooden ship, the U.S.S. Bear, became ice...
Ever notice that problems tend to bother those people least who prepare the most?
Remembering the life, work, and ministry of Howard E. Butt, Jr., who died Saturday, September 11, 2016.
“But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader...
In Who Can You Trust? you write that the basis of all trust is the trustworthiness of God. In such a violent...