Here’s a short film (less than four minutes) that tells a great story. Watch "A Social Network Christmas" by Igniter Media. I...
In this short film by our friends at Deidox, “Lindsay,” a young teacher discovers how her past experiences have prepared her for...
"A mother of three discovers her unexpected purpose." That's the one-sentence summary of Dawn, a powerful film by Dave Mahanes and Brent...
"A small-town doctor deals with the struggles and consequences of following his conscience." That's the one sentence summary of "Robert," a powerful...
Working together and encouraging one another will take us further than our going it alone.
Do you dread your morning commute? What if a full orchestra performed for you tomorrow morning?
As a pastor, he struggled to connect Sunday life with week day work.
New York City Redeemer Presbyterian Pastor Tim Keller’s recent work, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work, will be our...